Friday, July 16, 2010

Eat At Home

Without question eating out is expensive and can account for a large portion of your monthly food budget. I understand the ease and convenience of eating out but when weighed against the bills that can't be paid and debt collection phone calls which are avoided, it should seem like a small sacrifice.

Eating at home can have hidden benefits as well. When our family began to make this a regular, consistent habit we noticed some immediate changes such as weight loss and family bonding.

Evidently the statistics are accurate: fast food is junk food. Without making any conscious decision to eat healthier or diet, the types and quantities of food we consumed changed and the effects quickly became evident. We all experienced moderate weight loss and increased energy.

In addition, we soon found that we were looking forward to our meal times. Mealtime has become an opportunity to sit down together, relax and share. Not to say we don't have times when we are rushed to eat and head out the door or off to bed, but in general, mealtime has become treasured family time when we connect. Over time we have included a few other meal time rules such as turn off the TV, don't answer the phone and no technology at the table. Frequently the meals are followed by card games, board games or the read-aloud of really good book. We never even considered that simply eating at home would connect our family in this way, reduce stress and dramatically impact the amount of time spent in front of the television!

Consider giving it a try. Maybe your budget could be helped by eliminating fad diet products and foods, extra fitness expenses, and dare I suggest that the cable options could be reduced or even eliminated. Go ahead, sit at the table, introduce yourself and meet your family!

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