In order to eat at home and save on the grocery bill, it is going to be necessary to cook. Don't get discouraged, it doesn't have to be a dreaded chore.
First and foremost, cooking at home must become a priority. It takes a little time management and advance planning but it doesn't have to change your whole schedule or cramp your lifestyle.
If you have not been blessed with talent in the kitchen, now is the time to step up learn to cook. Assess your skills, discover your talents and weaknesses. If you are unsure ... ask your family. Be prepared, family, especially children, can be brutally honest. Take an inventory of meals you prepare on a regular basis and write them down. Chances are you can expand on your skills and variety.
If you have discovered a few weaknesses in your kitchen skills it's time to humble yourself and make a visit to Mom's, your favorite aunt's or your best friend's. Consider hosting a cooking get together at your home. You know a few people who can whip up something out of nothing at a moments notice and you look forward to sitting down to partake. Ask that woman at church to teach you how to make that dish she is famous for at every potluck event. Get a list of the necessary ingredients and invite her over for dinner.
Maybe you have discovered that you manage fairly well in the kitchen, if you only have to make the same twelve dishes. It's time to expand your horizons. Exchange recipes with friends and family. The next time you find yourself at a potluck or cookout and going back for seconds, ask around and find out who prepared that fabulous dish and get the recipe or at least a name and phone number. Don't be shy, they will be flattered! Visit your local library and pick up any cookbook that makes your mouth water or peaks your interest. Don't forget about your budget! Depression Era and Country Living type cookbooks are wonderful resources for budget friendly recipes. Take some time to check out the internet, recipes abound there!
And don't be afraid to fail, we have all suffered through a few flops and charcoal seasoned efforts. Just pick yourself up and head back to the kitchen, you'll get it if you make the effort.
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